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Gorsefield Primary School

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Music is central to the community and culture of the school and permeates many aspects of school life. All pupils, whatever their heritage, status or family income, have access to and participate in aspirational and stimulating musical learning every week. Music education is integral to the whole school curriculum and therefore:

  • All children take part in a whole class curriculum music lesson every week that is underpinned by a comprehensive methodology and sequential skills-based progression framework.
  • A range of topic-linked music enrichment projects are offered to all classes across school.
  • Pupils are encouraged to take part in a range of music clubs, instrumental/vocal lessons.
  • A specialist teacher is employed to lead music across the school.
  • Teachers participate in regular professional development opportunities and take an active role in the weekly curriculum music lessons.

Musical learning is based upon a coherent, sequential, and sustained methodology that allows every pupil the best opportunity to take part, express themselves and develop their individual and collective identity. We aim to always ensure that music making is relevant and practical with diversity and inclusion at its heart.


The National Curriculum Programme of Study for Music.

Music is the dominant language of every lesson with singing and the song at the core of the learning. High-quality vocal work is used extensively throughout every aspect of musical activity and in every key phase. Lessons are planned meticulously with repertoire carefully matched to the pupils’ experiences, needs, interests, abilities and ages. A culture of whole school singing and deep listening are embedded via the weekly curriculum music lessons.

Children’s understanding of music is focused upon developing their knowledge and skills through the core musical activities of making music as performers, composers and improvisers and responding critically and in an informed way to music from a range of genres, cultures and traditions. Musical learning happens in a holistic manner and units of work and their assessment are not atomistically separated.

  • Every pupil from EYFS to Year 6 has a weekly whole class curriculum music lesson delivered by a specialist primary music teacher. Where appropriate cross-curricular links are identified to support learning, language development & the whole school creative curriculum.
  • Sequential development of musical learning is based upon the ‘ALFA Progression Framework of Music Skills’; a methodology that sets out clear, measurable and developmental learning objectives for each year group. These are developed in spiral form throughout the key phases and link to assessment via specific descriptors for each category of attainment.
  • Skilled pedagogy that includes pupil-led, differentiated musical activities ensures appropriate expectations, levels of challenge and progress for all pupils.
  • Detailed medium term music planning for each year group develops towards an informal ‘class performance’ at the end of each half term of work for the purposes of pupil appraisal and assessment.
  • Music IT and video evidence are key features of the assessment process.
  • There is a focus upon pupil response, reflection and appraisal in developing their own musical ideas.
  • Termly assessments using the related attainment descriptors map pupil achievement and progress. Formative and summative assessment are contained within the framework. Assessment of musical learning is rooted in the musical activity that the children undertake.

Consequently, assessment is the musical attainment they have evidenced in a range of learning activities in which they have been singing, playing, performing, composing, and listening. Progress is made over the year with evidence recorded from a series of six half-termly videos of individual pupils and class ‘performances’.


Gorsefield Primary School follow Charanga Music Curriculum.

What is it?

Charanga’s English Model Music Curriculum Scheme is aligned with the National Curriculum for Music and the non-statutory Model Music Curriculum (MMC) Guidance published by the DfE in 2021.

This Scheme provides clearly-sequenced units and lessons that identify key learning and outcomes.

Charanga’s English Model Music Curriculum Scheme follows a spiral approach to musical learning, with children revisiting, building and extending their knowledge and skills incrementally. In this manner, their learning is consolidated and augmented, increasing musical confidence and enabling them to go further. Teachers can adapt their teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of the children they teach.

Charanga's philosophy of music education is based on the principle that it should be fun and engaging for all concerned, and that every child is a born musician. Music plays a role in every aspect of our lives, wherever and whoever we are. For this reason, Charanga divide the academic year into six units, each corresponding with one of our six recurring Social Questions, combined with a unique Musical Spotlight.

Charanga Model Music Scheme Structure

Charanga Model Music Scheme is suitable for children aged 5–11, with six self-sufficient units per year. The first step of each unit introduces that unit’s focus in terms of content, skills and knowledge; the middle steps then develop this, and the final, sixth step assesses the learning through exciting performances and activities. At the centre of each step – each lesson – is a song around which the musical learning is centred. Each lesson has an easy-to-follow structure complemented by an array of supporting documents, lesson plans and resources that take you through listening, singing, performing, composing and improvising exercises with the children in your class.

Music Development Plan

All school have a music development plan, as set out in the national plan for music education.

Schools publish a music development plan which helps schools to:

  • raise awareness of their music development plan
  • promote the school music offer to parents and prospective parents
  • give greater opportunity for schools and music hubs to work together

Please find below the Music Development Plan for Gorsefield Primary School 2024 2025. If you have any questions about the plan or music provision at Gorsefield Primary School, please speak to Mr Brown who is Gorsefield music curriculum lead. 

Music Development Plan 2024 2025

Music Curriculum Impact Statement 2023-2024 Ending